Being transparent as always and it’s a long letter. Please bear with me.

Most of you know me as Nat, the mom behind AkronMomandKids. And some of you may also know me as Nat, a photographer and owner of LoveWhatIDo Photography. 

For the last twelve years, I have always given more than 100% and have been as flexible as a rubber band with each and all of my clients. 

But lately, I noticed myself worrying more about missing Ben's soccer game and Kate's piano recital than not having the right dates/weekend to host some of my most popular mini sessions. All while having a blast sharing our lifestyle with you on a daily basis here at AkronMomandKids.

That was when I knew changing things up was inevitable. 

And after months of questioning myself, I have come to the conclusion that being a mother is my passion right now. I love spending time with my children, driving them across town to practices, and spending all weekend at the soccer field. Laugh with me but I love every minute of it. I want to be there for them. I want to take it all in while I can. I don't want to miss a thing. Yet, I still have to pay all the bills. 

*Pause. Long Pause.*

I have made a decision to roll LoveWhatIDo Photography into Akron Mom and Kids. 

Moving forward, you may see the occasional info for photo sessions, tips on fun adventure of the photo locations in addition to the usual day to day content, and I may dip my toes into sponsored content, that I believe in, maybe. 

I was really nervous to share this news but it honestly feels like nothing will really change. It feels great to be able to be this open with you!

Check out the new photo page on the website, link in bio. Thank you for all of your support this far and hopefully going forward, too.

Excited to continue sharing my journey with you!

